
If you are looking for something new, genuine and rare, you’ll find us at Ventura Boutique hotel!
On an area of 200 square meters is located own brewery producing beer alive.
The art of making beer is as old as kneading bread.
What exactly is it? Unlike ordinary beer, live beer is not filtered, thus preserving part of the brewer’s yeast. “Live” beer knows neither the process of pasteurization nor preservatives. It preserves the fresh taste of malt and hops and looks thicker and cloudy.
The production process, installation and breweries can be observed directly from the Ventura restaurant, which welcomes you with a refined atmosphere, selected dishes, a selection of wines and branded drinks.
Gallagher live beer for the home can be purchased from the lobby bar of the Ventura Boutique Hotel.

For additional information:
0887 / 38 19 09
[email protected]


  • Beer removes carcinogens from the body and reduces the risk of cancer
  • Beer extracts have anti-inflammatory properties
  • Beer does not contain cholesterol and is low in sugar
  • Beer protects the body from radiation
  • Beer contains substances that stimulate the immune system and the hormone of happiness. It is an officially approved anti-depressant
  • Beer is low in calories
  • One of the most delightful aspects of beer is that it combines perfectly with almost all types of food.
  • A sip of iced beer gives a better feel to the dish.